These are our packages for our Doula service. You can also book a Doula hourly. Our service outcomes shown here are based on the Bloom package. What each part includes can be found throughout our website. You can see what our Doulas typically provide here.
We wish to provide Doulas free to everyone in order to improve everyone’s wellbeing. If you book with us we will send a suggested donation amount but we do not expect payment if you are unable to.
If you are a professional looking for a service user we have opportunities for commissioned support and payment by services. Contact us for more information.
This is our Full doula service package.
This includes full services you would expect, and then a bit more. You will get antenatal, birth and postnatal services and use of hire in the following way.
8 hours antenatal support
8 hours postnatal support
6 hours postnatal class (such as massage, sensory etc)
Phone support throughout.
Access to our library of books and information.
Birth pool and/or TENS machine hire
On call from 37 weeks.
Birth support from established labour until around 2 hours postnatal. With phone support.
Additional hours can be purchased. Discount on other services
This package is suitable for those who don’t want or need birth support but still wish to have the specialist, tailored and 1 to1 support our Doulas offer.
With this package you will receive the following;
8 hours antenatal support
8 hours postnatal support
Phone support throughout
Access to our library of books and information
Additional hours can be purchased
Birth buddy Doula
This is purely for birth support. With a 2 hour session beforehand and 2 hour afterwards.
Phone support available throughout the period. On call from 37 weeks. Birth support from established labour until around 2 hours postnatal. (Dependent on need)
Infant feeding
We offer dedicated breastfeeding support and formula feeding support. Find out more here. Costs vary according to need. Book a call with us using the link below.
Other options
You can also pay for hourly support from one of our Doulas and don’t forget we may have funded or commissioned services in your area that may reduce the cost. Check out our social media pages for more information or contact us for more information.